Terms & Conditions

Pitch Showcase 

Terms and Conditions Registration and Participation for this showcase (The Fuel Showcase) are deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions. Terms and conditions may be amended at the discretion of the showcase organizer (Fuel Venture Studio). Any and all amendments of terms and conditions will be posted on the website. Entrants should review terms and conditions periodically for amendments or updates as needed. 


All entrants should be aware that finalists’ pitches will be presented in a public forum. Confidentiality is not guaranteed in any way. Applicants should exclude sensitive or confidential information from their pitches and not include confidential material in your applications or submissions. The oral presentation (and awards ceremony if there is one) of the showcase is open to the public at large. Any and all of the public sessions may be broadcast to interested persons through promotion and media which may include the internet, podcasts, print, radio, social media and television. Any data or information discussed or divulged in the public session by entrants should be considered information that will likely enter the public realm, and entrants should not assume any right of confidentiality in any data or information discussed, divulged or presented in this session. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) between an applicant and the judges, organizers and/or audience members will not be required. The organizers are not responsible for any confidentiality issues that may occur during the course of the showcase and will not be involved in any way with disputes arising therefrom. 


By submitting an application for registration or participation each attendee or applicant agrees to the organizer disclosing the applicant’s personal information to only its sponsors, contractors and agents to assist in conducting the showcase and communicating with entrants. 


Each applicant acknowledges and agrees that the non-confidential elements of the submitted material connected with the showcase, including publication of the business concept, name and logo can be used in Fuel Venture Showcase’s and Studio’s public domain and website, and all other forms of advertising and media publications.. In the case of a showcase winner, at the organizer’s request, participation in all promotional activity (such as publicity and photography) is required surrounding the award/reward. Winners consent to the organizer using their name and image in promotional materials. 


Each entrant and attendee agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizer from and against any liabilities, losses, claims, demands, costs (including legal costs) and expenses arising in connection with any breach or alleged breach by the applicant of any representation, terms or conditions of registration or participation in the showcase. You must register in advance and make it through a selection process; business presentation order will be determined by the selection committee prior to the showcase; the maximum number of presenters is ten (10), but organizers reserve the right to reduce or increase the number of applicants selected and designated as finalists, at their discretion. 


Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any entry, whether it’s a company presenting or an attendee attending, in its judgment, that violates the rules of the showcase or is not aligned with the purpose of the competition. Organizers assume no responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of any information disclosed during the showcase. This showcase provides the opportunity for entrants to present their ideas in a public forum. Applicants register and participate at their own risk. The organizer shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury suffered by reason of registering and participating in this showcase. The organizer excludes liability for loss of income, loss of opportunity, personal injury and damage to property, whether direct or indirect, consequential or foreseeable due to some negligent act or omission or otherwise. The organizer accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, delayed, illegible, corrupted or misdirected entries or correspondence whether due to error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, transmission interruption, communications failure or otherwise. The organizer has no control over telephone communications, networks or lines and accepts no responsibility for any problems associated with them, whether due to traffic congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise. The organizer is not liable for any consequences of user error including (without limitation) costs incurred. 


Entrants may incur costs while participating in this showcase and are responsible for those costs, including but not limited to, travel and accommodation expenses. Entrants warrant and represent to the organizer that they own the material they submit throughout the showcase. The registration fee is non-refundable. The Fuel Showcase Team and Fuel Venture Studio have the sole discretion to disqualify and/or remove any attendee, individual or team for any reason that it deems appropriate before and/or during the pitch showcase. All decisions regarding an individual’s or team’s removal and/or disqualification from the pitch showcase are final.

Ignite – Connect – Fuel – Launch,

The Fuel Venture Studio Team

